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Topeka, KS 66618
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February 12, 1942 - December 23, 2022
Melvyn B. Morgan Hagen of Emporia, Kansas, formerly of Fayetteville, Arkansas, passed away December 23, 2022, at the age of 80. He and his late wife, the former Mary Ellen Lane of Runnels, Iowa, had moved to Kansas to be closer to their daughter and son-in-law.
Melvyn and Mary Ellen were married in Runnels, Iowa at the Reorganized Church of Latter-Day Saints. They made their home in Altoona, Iowa.
Melvyn worked as a surveyor with Bishop Engineering and as a teacher at United Electronics Institute in Iowa and then went to work for IBM in Iowa and then Colorado. While in Iowa he and Mary Ellen travelled a lot to weekend bluegrass venues setting up equipment and recording equipment for the various performers. When he retired, he and Mary Ellen moved to Arkansas and he kept busy with things like playing the organ and the accordion, his ham radio group BCRO, helping the neighborhood kids with their homework and even his grandkids with their college math homework. He loved his grandkids, Bluegrass music, and his dogs (Miss Trudy, Maynard, Reggie, Polly, Gabby, and Sonny). His parents were Melvin and Genevieve Hagen who predeceased him, as did his nephew Brent Jones and brother-in-law Holly Hollobaugh.
He is survived by his daughter Tamara (William Blalock) of Emporia Kansas, granddaughters Jessica (Nicholas Bradford), Rebbeca Segelhurst, Janet Segelhurst, a grandson Christopher (Ashley) Segelhurst, a sister Joann Hollobaugh of Phoenix, a nephew Jon Drew, and 5 Great-Grandchildren. As well as numerous extended family members in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Arizona. A memorial service will be scheduled for Melvyn and Mary Ellen together, at a later date, in Winterset, Iowa.
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Angels Above Cremation Services
3936 NW 16th St., Bldg. B
Topeka, KS 66618
Office hours are by appointment only.
Please call us to schedule an appointment.
I will always be your little girl. I hope you know you have always been the wind beneath my wings. I miss you lots and hope that you can now remember the memories that the Alzheimer's took from you while you were here.
As we age we expect loss, but, the loss of my baby brother leaves an ache in my heart. I will miss you. Thank the good Lord, I have my memories of our times with each other. You are free now dear heart.
Mel Hagen, ham call AF5GF; was of great service to Benton County Radio Operators (BCRO) 501c3 club. Many hams in Arkansas and on radio across the airwaves will remember Mel as a long time BCRO vice president, leader, and a great teacher. He loved to mentor others in the ham community. He was of help to the county emergency services and many public service events involving ham radio. He is greatly missed and fondly remembered by the club and fellow ham radio operators.
By Loren Lawrence, past president of BCRO, for the club.